Dunatis - NFC enabled checks

by Waterfront Digital Ltd



Dunatis is a platform which uses mobile devices to easily record physicalinspections paired with live updates and advanced reporting.As a web design and mobile app development company, we’ve taken a problem weidentified that many companies across various industries have in common anddeveloped a simple, foolproof solution which not only minimises human error,saves businesses time and money and also improves their carbon footprint byminimising the amount of paper used and travelling required.With ever changing compliancy checks, industry regulations and turnover of staff,many businesses are faced with the struggle of making sure their employees aretrained properly, the business abides by rules/regulations, managers have realtime updates and overdue alerts and that reports are easily available forinspectors.With Dunatis checklists easy to use and NFC tags ensure staff members actuallydo the check. All findings are recorded, timestamped, users tracked and ALL of this is available in inspection-ready reports. No scrambling around for paperwork,checking staff rosters, creating training lists for new starts or panicking in the caseof an insurance claim. This saves the business time and money and reduces thechances of getting nasty fines or in the most tragic of circumstances, a loss of life.All data is safely stored in secure cloud storage.Unlike other comparable products, Dunatis uses NFC technology to demonstratethat users have visited a specific location to do a check. Rather than relying on auser just ticking a box to say they’ve checked something, we can prove theyvisited the area and tapped the NFC tag with their phones. This is invaluable in thecase of demonstrating that Fire Doors were checked, areas like cellars have beenchecked for flooding if that’s an insurance requirement, that security staff haveactually walked round the building rather than just visit the site, that individualequestrian jumps were visited in person, that smoke alarms in a flat were visitedand tested and many more uses.Unlike other systems, which are designed for specific industries with a specific setof uses, expensive set up and running costs, proprietary handhelds and customhardware - Dunatis makes use of any mobile devices along with affordable NFCtag technology and a fully open system so that any checks can easily be buildfrom the ground up without restricting the use of the system.Find out more at https://dunatis.app